Written by  2017-11-07

Intra-cardiac Leadless Pacemaker and Home Care

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Technology evolves, rapidly and relentlessly. As technologies evolved, many times, people like myself with my 2 feet firmly planted onto the ground can find ourselves very helpless. Here is one example:


For me, the only discharge summary I write for my patients is known as a CCOD, or Certificate of Cause of Death. Thereafter, I will not be involved in the care of the patient anymore, but sometimes, complex grief which is not very well supported here in this country makes me have continual contract with some of these grieving caregivers.

One of the thing about signing a CCOD is to cancel off a portion that states that no evidence of pacemaker or pacemaker has been removed from the decease body. Previously, pacemaker are chunky bits of boxy device which you can feel under the skin easily with a notable scar where it was first inserted. As technology moves ahead, new procedures and devices such as Intra-cardiac Leadless Pacemaker will be impossible for simple folks like me in the community to handle. There is no scar, cannot be felt externally and virtually impossible to remove at comfort of patient’s home.


Probably, such cases might be referred to the coroners as none of us can remove such pacemaker in the community. Either our skills in the community must be upgraded or the policy must change. To remain as it is now, patients and their families will have to suffer. 

Read 6839 times Last modified on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 09:49


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How We Operate

Our doctor is available from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays, strictly by appointment only.  Please call to arrange for an appointment.

Our charges range from about $250 to $300 per doctor visit per patient for a routine visit for patients under our long term home care service, including procedures and reviews. Medications and expendables will be charged separately if required. All visits are strictly appointment based only. We are not a medical clinic service and will not support services such as immunizations or review urgent hyper-acute conditions. We also only sign CCODs for patients under our long term care.

For referrals, kindly call us at 9800 4828 or E mail the request to us at info@lotuseldercare.com.sg and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Technology companies please e mail us at technology@lotuseldercare.com.sg  or use this LINK to set up appointments with Dr Tan Jit Seng

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1 Raffles Place #19-61, Tower 2, Singapore 048616

Handphone: +65 9800 4828 WhatsAPP, Direct Call or SMS available. 

Office line : +65 6808 5664  Fax line: +65 6808 5801